
Mr. YangCongsen,

Chairman of the Company. He is mainly responsible for the company's overall strategic planning.

Mr. Zhang Wei, Director and General Manager. A bachelor of business administration from Ocean University of China, Mr. Zhang is responsible foroverseeing the overall operation of the Company.


Mr. Liu Xinghai, Director, Deputy General Manager and Chief Financial Officer. A bachelor of financial management from Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Mr. Liu is a senior management accountant and ICPA, andhas more than 20 years of working experience in accounting.


Ms. Xiao Xiao, Director, Deputy General Manager and Secretary of theBoard of Directors. Graduated from the London School of Economics and Political Science, she holds a master’s degree of Statistics, and has many years of experience in risk management, company standardized operation andmanagement, information disclosure, investor relations management, equity management and capital market operations.


Independent directors


Mr. Sun Nan, Independent Director ofthe company. He has a master’s degree in Accounting, and is a senior accountant, Chinese Certified Public Accountant,Chinese Certified Tax Agent, Chinese Registered Asset Appraiser, Registered Cost Engineer and International Certified Internal Auditor. He is now the General Manager of Tianjin Yitian Accounting Firm Co., Ltd. Mr. Sun Nan has beenengaged in auditing, asset evaluation and management consulting for years, aswell as once in charge of the auditing and evaluation work of enterprises and public institutions such as large central and local enterprises, foreign-funded enterprises and private enterprises. He acted as a consultant expert of the third Corporate Internal Control Standards Committee of the Ministry of Financeand a registered accountant of National Leading Accounting Talents Programunder training.


Mr. Liu Jianwen, IndependentDirector of the company. He is a post-doctoral fellow in Law,professor, doctoral tutor, and concurrently holds the position of Managing Director of China Law Society and chairman of China Association for Fiscal andTax Law. Mr. Liu used to be a lecturer, associate professor, professor anddoctoral tutor of the Law School of Wuhan University from July 1986 to December1999; He has been a professor and doctoral tutor of the Law School of PekingUniversity since July 1999; He has been a distinguished professor of “ChangJiang Scholars Program” since May 2018; He has been an expert advisory memberof the Supreme People's Procuratorate since February 2021.


Mr. Hu Yi, IndependentDirector of the company. He is a doctor of Economics. He hasbeen a lecturer, associate professor and professor of the School of Economicsand Management, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences since February 2014;He used to hold the position of deputy dean of the School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences from March 2017 toJune 2020; He has been Executive Vice-President of the School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences since July 2020.
